• Comment contribuer ? Un événement à partager, une ressource, suivez le guide...

    Birth of the project 
    During the e-nedits 2020 online meeting, Mirco Santi, president of INEDITS, Alain Esmery, founding member and member Anna Briggs presented an idea for a common and open project that everyone could take part in and which would bring together knowledge, networks and events, around the centenary of 9.5mm film. During the 2021 association meeting in Issoudun, working groups were formed around symposia and conferences, a special 100 years/100 films programme, a website and a feature film. You are here on the web part of the project!

    An open and collaborative project 
    The advantage of this website is to be able to bring together in one place the events and resources around the centenary of 9.5mm film. You can share news, announce events, or offer resources. If you want to share news about the development of a project, do not hesitate to share it on the Lichtspiel Scrapbook. The board of directors of INEDITS validates content regularly.

    INEDITS member: open the tutorial and create your own articles 
    If you are a member of the network, you received identifiers when you opened your account. In case you lost them, please contact the INEDITS office at inedits.europe {@} gmail.com. On the column to the left you will find the tutorial on how to use the administrator site interface. It’s your turn to join in! Members’ publications are validated twice a month.

    Non-member: you can become a member or get involved in the network!
    If you are not yet a member of INEDITS Amateur Film / Memory of Europe, you can send us your suggestions for publications or get involved in the network by writing to inedits.europe {@} gmail.com. See you soon!