• 2019/11/21 - 2019/11/23
    2019/11/21 - 2019/11/23

    Rencontres | Annual Meeting in Caen

    The next annual meeting of the association INEDITS will take place in Normandy, France from 21 to 23 November 2019. The event is organized by Normandie Images et La Fabrique de patrimoines en Normandie.

    The next annual meeting of the association INEDITS will take place in Normandy, France from 21 to 23 November 2019. The event is organized by Normandie Images and La Fabrique de patrimoines en Normandie.

    The opening night will allow participants to discover amateur films from some twenty European archives on the theme “Back to life” by highlighting images showing moments of resilience and reconstruction(s) after periods of conflict or war. All these images were chosen by INEDITS’ members who will comment in live the films during the screening.

    On Friday 22 November, after a first morning devoted to the general assembly of our organization, then to several members projects currently in progress, the afternoon extends the reflections born the day before thanks to a round table discussion on the same theme “Back to life, resilience, reconstruction(s)” bringing together historians and filmmakers. In the evening, the French historian Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit will present his documentary film “Algeria, Soldiers at the Camera (1950-1962)” (La Chambre aux fresques, 2018) which explores the experience of several soldiers who shot amateur films during the Algerian War of Independence. This documentary film relies on films preserved by members of the association INEDITS : the Cinémathèque de Bretagne, the Cinémathèque de Nouvelle Aquitaine, Ciclic, ECPAD or Normandie Images.

    Two round tables are scheduled during the morning of Saturday 23 November. The first will give many examples of “the educational use of amateur films”. The second will examine the “collection and processing of native digital audiovisual contents” by archives and film libraries based on the experience of the National Library of France and the National Audiovisual Center of Luxembourg, but also by questioning new amateur video uses on the web with Laurence Allard, lecturer at the University of Lille 3 (France). Two workshops are also scheduled to allow members to exchange in small groups on the different uses of our members in the sale of images and on the exchange of films within the INEDITS network.

    Two films will close these days: Sara Fgaier‘s “Gli anni” (Films Grand Huit, 2018), a short film inspired by Annie Ernaux’s novel “ “The Years” and composed of amateur films from the Cineteca Sarda (Film archive of Sardinia), and Anne Schroeder‘s documentary film “Histoires de femmes” made with films collection of the CNA – Luxembourg (Samsa Films and CNA, 2018). The two filmmakers will be present to meet the audience.

    The detailed program is available in French on the Normandie Images website.

    You can visit this web page to download the complete program, the registration form, and useful informations.

    Contact : Agnès Deleforge (Normandie Images) – agnesdeleforge@normandieimages.fr

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