• 2022/10/20 - 2022/10/24
    2022/10/20 - 2022/10/24

    Diffusion | Archivio Aperto 2022 - Bring the archive into the world

    The XV edition of Archivio Aperto will be the first one with an international competition dedicated to found footage films and archival reuse in contemporary films.

    Submit your proposals quickly before August 31, 2022!


    The reuse of archival material in contemporary documentaries and experimental films is not only an artistic fact: it can be a political act, charged with social and cultural implications. Found footage works teach us how to look deeper into the private and the forgotten, to make the past resonate in the present in order to rethink, recode and transform it.

    Through private stories that become public or micro-stories that illuminate subjectivities, events, spaces and relationships that have long been invisible, the use of (re)found images often overturns the prisons of representation and opens us to what appears to be sometimes a visual and aural revolution. Bringing the archive into the world is also giving back erased stories, bringing them to the surface and weaving together the plot of a better world.

    For this reason, the 15th edition of Archivio Aperto is opening a competitive section dedicated to found footage films and archival reuse. This call is open to filmmakers, directors and artists. We are looking for works in any form and genre – documentary, experimental, video-essay, crossing over into fiction and animated cinema – in any format, medium and length. The selection will focus on the re-use of found footage, private film and photographic materials that can reflect on history, memory and lost subjectivities, suppression and forgetting which are an integral part of the lives of archives.

    All information : https://www.archivioaperto.it/en/evento/international-competition-submit-your-film/

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