• 2003/11/20 - 2003/11/22
    2003/11/20 - 2003/11/22

    Meeting of INEDITS 2003

    Images from here and elsewhere.

    In 2003, the Audiovisual Archives of Monaco organized the annual meetings of the association in Monaco. It took place from the 20th to the 22nd of November, the theme was “Images from here, images from elsewhere”.

    This involved the members to think about how to preserve and enhance the images shot in other locations than the one of the archive or film library which collected it. How to choose what selections to create and maintain ? How to show those movies ? What exchanges are possible between the film libraries ? This opportunity permitted Alains Esmery to propose a contract model to supervise these exchanges. The members also took an interest in the collection Les Martin, directed by Alain Wieder and Jean-Claude Guidicelli. Valerie Combard, the project’s documentalist was there to exchange with the participants. The meetings ended with a public projection in the Théatre des variétés, of amateur films that were shot in Monaco and its surroundings from members’ collections.

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