• 2004/11/04 - 2004/11/07
    2004/11/04 - 2004/11/07

    Meeting of INEDITS 2004

    In 2004, the multimedia library of Valais organized the annual meetings of the association in Martigny, Switzerland. It was held from the 4th to the 7th of November. The theme for this year was ‘When privacy becomes public’.

    The exchanges were specifically based on the experiments conducted in Brighton (United Kingdom) and in Hiversum (Netherlands). A tribute was paid to Pierre Barde, producer of several shows dedicated to amateur films on Swiss Radio Television (“Avis aux amateurs” in 1991, “C’est mon cinéma” in 1997). Henk Verheul Smalfilmmuseum – Hilversum, Netherlands recalled the preservation of amateur digital film. Alain Esmery also reviewed the collection of work he conducted among the other members that gathered around forty wedding films for a programme of the Forum des Images (Paris). The meetings ended with a screening based upon member’s films, with the theme ‘life in the mountains’.

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