• 2013/10/23 - 2013/10/25
    2013/10/23 - 2013/10/25

    Meeting of INEDITS 2013

    In 2013, the annual meeting was organized by a collective of several members in the region Ile de France (France) : Ciné-Archives, Cinéam, the Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir and the Forum des Images. It took place in the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (CNC) and at the head office of the Communist Party in Paris. It was from the 23th to the 25th of October, on the theme “Women and amateur cinema”.

    Several workshops and speeches were given about the representation of women in amateur cinema. The members session actually started the meetings on this subject. Many met together and also debated the subject of the preservation, restoration and the release of video collections (Centre Audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir). Another topic was the collaboration between film libraries (Ciné-Archives and Ciclic with the Cadoux’s collection) and to present the Archives françaises du film du CNC’s amateur film collections. Valerie Vignaux, a historian of cinema, held a conference called “Cineaste(s) amateur-e(s) ou pour une conscience des images”. And finally, the filmmaker Dominique Cabrera came to present her movie, “Grandir”, to end the event.

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