• 2024/10/22 - 2024/10/27
    2024/10/22 - 2024/10/27

    Rencontres | 34th Inedits Meeting x Archivio Aperto

    Bologna, Italy

    This year, the Fondazione Home Movies is organizing and celebrating cinema with two major events that bring together enthusiasts of archival footage and found footage: the 34th INEDITS Meeting and its very own Archivio Aperto festival. These events are an invitation to dive into the fascinating world of amateur cinema and cinematic memory.

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  • 2022/12/21

    Publication | Thinkering with the Pathé Baby

    Tim van der Heijden and Mirco Santi, Thinkering with the Pathé Baby: Materiality, histories and (re)use of 9.5mm film, in: NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies. #Materiality, Jg. 11 (2022), Nr. 2, S. 94– 125.

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  • 2023/11/30 - 2023/12/02
    2023/11/30 - 2023/12/02

    Rencontres | Rencontres INEDITS 2023


    L’Institut audiovisuel de Monaco et le Conseil d’Administration INEDITS sont très heureux de vous convier aux 33es Rencontres européennes INEDITS qui auront lieu à Monaco du 30 novembre au 2 décembre 2023.

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  • 2022/12/01 - 2022/12/31
    2022/12/01 - 2022/12/31

    9.5mm Centenary News | Pathé Baby Centenary: December by Anna Briggs

    December Archive Streaming Programme: I Never Eat December Snowflakes. I Always Wait Until January, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/11/01 - 2022/11/30
    2022/11/01 - 2022/11/30

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary : November by Anna Briggs

    November Archive Streaming Programme: The Fe/male Gaze selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/10/15 - 2022/10/19
    2022/10/15 - 2022/10/19

    Diffusion | 9 1/2 global premiere

    9 1/2 will premiere in different locations around the world to celebrate Home Movie Day and the centenary of 9.5mm ‘Pathé Baby’ film! All of the premiere screenings are curated by archives and collectors that contributed footage to the montage film.

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  • 2022/10/01 - 2022/10/31
    2022/10/01 - 2022/10/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby 1922-2022 - October by Anna Briggs

    October Archive Streaming Programme: Le cinéma chez soi, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/11/08 - 2022/11/10
    2022/11/08 - 2022/11/10

    Rencontres | INEDITS Meeting 2022 - Rendez-vous à Saint-Etienne !


    The 32nd European Meeting of INEDITS is organized by the Cinémathèque de Saint-Étienne, from November 8 to 10, 2022 in the framework of the centenary of the first regional Cinémathèque created in France. This anniversary coincides with that of the 9.5 format invented by Charles Pathé in 1922, which will be particularly honored during these meetings.

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  • 2022/10/20 - 2022/10/24
    2022/10/20 - 2022/10/24

    Diffusion | Archivio Aperto 2022 - Bring the archive into the world


    The XV edition of Archivio Aperto will be the first one with an international competition dedicated to found footage films and archival reuse in contemporary films.

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  • 2022/08/01 - 2022/08/31
    2022/08/01 - 2022/08/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - August by Anna Briggs

    August Archive Streaming Programme: Visions, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/07/01 - 2022/07/31
    2022/07/01 - 2022/07/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - July by Anna Briggs

    July Archive Streaming Programme: La mer, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/06/01 - 2022/06/30
    2022/06/01 - 2022/06/30

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - Carte blanche to Normandie Images

    June Archive Streaming Programme: Carte blanche to Normandie Images, selected by Agnès Deleforge – collections manager

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  • 2022/05/01 - 2022/05/31
    2022/05/01 - 2022/05/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - May by Anna Briggs

    May Archive Streaming Programme: I Walk The Line, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/04/01 - 2022/04/30
    2022/04/01 - 2022/04/30

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - April by Tim van der Heijden

    April Archive Streaming Programme: Technology of Memory – Memory of Technology, selected by Tim van der Heijden

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  • 2022/03/01 - 2022/03/31
    2022/03/01 - 2022/03/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - March by Anna Briggs

    March Archive Streaming Programme: New Life, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/01/01 - 2022/01/31
    2022/01/01 - 2022/01/31

    Diffusion | 9.5mm film Pathé Baby centenary 1922-2022: Happy Birthday Baby!

    January Archive Streaming Programme: Happy Feet, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2022/02/01 - 2022/12/31
    2022/02/01 - 2022/12/31

    Diffusion | Pathé Baby Centenary - February by Anna Briggs

    February Archive Streaming Programme: Love and Marriage, selected by Anna Briggs

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  • 2021/01/02

    Production | The Milos Revisited project

    Greece - Milos Island- Cyclades

    The whole project began by chance. In 2006 Iro Diamandourou’ father asked his cousin Thanassis to bring him all 1950’s 8mm films that had been shot by Thanassis’ father, Agathocles Cypriotis…

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  • 2020/01/30

    Rencontres | Highlights of the 29th meeting


    Discover the INEDITS meeting 2019 teaser, realized by Normandie Images

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  • 2020/09/29 - 2020/12/15
    2020/09/29 - 2020/12/15

    Rencontres | 2020: the "e-nedits" year


    Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, the Inedits association is inventing new ways to animate its members’ network with a cycle of online events: “e-nedits” meetings.

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  • 2020/01/30

    Diffusion | A teaser for INEDITS

    In 2019, the INEDITS association produced a teaser to highlight the work of its members. It is now available to accompany screenings and events for all members who wish to do so.

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  • 2020/01/15

    Diffusion | The "Archives et Cinéma" programme

    Puy-de-Dôme department - France

    The Puy-de-Dôme regional department has set up a programme of partnerships so the amateur film collections housed in the departmental Archives can be more widely screened by the various agencies active in local communities and associative groups.

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  • 2019/02/01

    Publication | Our survey into amateur film preservation in Europe

    In 2018, Inedits sent out a questionnaire all over Europe to sound out preservation and curatorial practices used throughout the continent for amateur film collections. Here are the results!

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  • 2019/11/21 - 2019/11/23
    2019/11/21 - 2019/11/23

    Rencontres | Annual Meeting in Caen

    Caen, Normandy - France

    The next annual meeting of the association INEDITS will take place in Normandy, France from 21 to 23 November 2019. The event is organized by Normandie Images et La Fabrique de patrimoines en Normandie.

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  • 2019/06/07

    Diffusion | Screening and lecture "Monaco and the sea"


    “Monaco in film” – the name for Monaco’s Institut Audiovisuel and its cycle of Screenings and Lectures – is to showcase film representations of Monaco using fiction and documentary, newsreel and amateur film. Montage and commentary will provide a more transversal reading of history. Close collaboration with the Monaco Archives du Palais brings an additional wealth of archive material highlighting new perspectives of the principality’s history and its relationship with the sea in the upcoming screening/lecture.

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  • 2019/01/30

    Publication | Iluminace shines light on amateur cinema in the Eastern Bloc

    Prague (Czech Republic)

    In February 2016, the National Film Archive of the Czech Republic dedicated an issue of their review Iluminace to amateur cinema in Eastern bloc countries, publishing four original studies in Czech by researchers from former socialist states.

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  • 2018/12/15

    Conservation | A panoramic gaze on the Algerian war

    Bily de Bonchamps was sent on active duty to Algeria in 1959. There he made three 8 mm films, like travel diaries sometimes of a political nature relating a soldier’s life as he journeyed through the country’s vast landscapes that he immortalized in wide format.

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  • 2018/11/22 - 2018/11/25
    2018/11/22 - 2018/11/25

    Rencontres | INEDITS Meeting 2018 - Annecy

    Annecy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

    The 28th annual meeting of INEDITS will take place in Annecy, 22-25 November 2018. As well as bringing members together, this year the meeting will focus on amateur films and travel, and examine the place of animated films in our collections.

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  • 2018/05/01 - 2018/10/31
    2018/05/01 - 2018/10/31

    Exposition | Street art and amateur film in Picardy

    Vimeu region, Somme - France

    Since May 2018, the people from the Vimeu area have been discovering an unusual open-air exhibition in their communities. Extra large-format works of street art have been installed on houses, factories and public buildings. And all the images used for this fresco come from old amateur films made in the region.

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  • 2018/04/01

    Production | Three short films in Perpignan

    Perpignan - France

    Since 2014, the Institut Jean Vigo in Perpignan has issued two calls for proposals involving its amateur film collections. In 2017 Étienne Noiseau, a sound artist whose work is now online, was hosted by this European regional archive.

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  • 2018/02/01

    Production | Histoires Mêlées, La Rochelle

    La Rochelle - France

    A film produced by FAR in 2017 presented letters written during World War I (1914-1918), and family films made from the 1940s on.

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  • 2017/11/23 - 2017/11/25
    2017/11/23 - 2017/11/25

    Rencontres | Annual Meeting in Strasbourg

    Strasbourg - France

    The 27th annual meeting of INEDITS takes place in Strasbourg, 23-25 November 2017. As well as bringing members together, this year the meeting will examine how universities contribute to the collection, preservation and promotion of amateur film.

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  • 2017/04/30

    Conservation | “Georges’ Marriage, 25 January 1923”

    Essonne Department - France

    For 15 years, Marie-Catherine Delacroix was in charge of the Cinéam Association, which collects, maintains and broadcasts amateur films from the Essonne Department in Ile-de-France. Today she is sharing with us the incredible story of the very first film in these audio-visual archives.

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  • 2017/03/01 - 2017/03/04
    2017/03/01 - 2017/03/04

    Colloque | Back from the Orphan Film Symposium 2017

    Paris - France

    The Orphan Film Symposium is usually held every two years in the United States. This year a more compact Orphans was organized in the city of Paris with the Cinémathèque Française. This is the second time that NYU has partnered with a European film institution to organize this event.

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  • 2017/01/24

    Publication | Amateur in cinema: another paradigm ?

    In June 2015, film historians Valérie Vignaux and Benoît Turquety organised an international symposium “Amateur in cinema: another paradigm? “at François-Rabelais University in Tours (France), in collaboration with UNIL (Lausanne). The collected papers of these two days have just been published by the French Association of Research on the History of Cinema (AFRHC).

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  • 2016/12/08 - 2016/12/10
    2016/12/08 - 2016/12/10

    Rencontres | Meeting of Beauvais: the complete program!

    Beauvais - France

    The 26th meeting of the association INEDITS will take place in Beauvais from 8 to 10 December 2016. The complete program is now available.

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  • 2016/12/11

    Diffusion | Home Movie Day 2016: Normandy and Paris!

    Musée d'histoire de la vie quotidienne (Petit-Caux, France) and Cinémathèque française (Paris)

    In France, two events will be organized for this new edition of Home Movie Day. In October, the Pôle Image Haute-Normandie was at the Museum of the History of Daily Life in Petit-Caux, while the association L’Inversible prepares an afternoon of events at the Cinémathèque française on 11th December, with ECPAD and an exceptional guest, the CNA (Luxembourg).

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  • 2016/10/15 - 2016/12/01
    2016/10/15 - 2016/12/01

    Diffusion | Home Movie Day 2016 in Prague

    Prague (Czech Republic)

    For the third consecutive year, Národní filmový archiv (NFA), the National Film Archives of the Czech Republic, took part in Home Movie Day. Events were organized in Prague throughout October 2016 and for the first time in Marienbad. Thanks to new initiatives and an important communication campaign, the event was a real success.

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  • 2016/10/27 - 2016/12/07
    2016/10/27 - 2016/12/07

    Diffusion | Bologna, open archive

    Bologna (Italy)

    The Home Movies Association is organising the 9th Archivio Aperto festival from 27 October to 7 December 2016 in Bologna. The city will host some thirty events over a two-month period, becoming a true laboratory for reflection on the “public use of private film” and the possibilities for re-creation based on the archives.

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  • 2016/11/08 - 2016/11/23
    2016/11/08 - 2016/11/23

    Diffusion | History and amateur filmmaking in Auvergne

    Tour de l’horloge, Cinema « Le Modern’ » - Issoire (France)

    In November 2016, the third Festival of “Cinema and History”, at Issoire, will be dedicating several events to amateur filmmaking: a lecture on the development of this practice during “les Trente Glorieuses” (the post-war economic boom), a public screening and several school workshops based on the film “Issoire en 57” (Issoire in 57) by Alix Merle.

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  • 2016/06/07 - 2017/06/07
    2016/06/07 - 2017/06/07

    Publication | Popular Front militant films on DVD

    In its early days, the Popular Front, a workers’ movement, set up film production and distribution facilities to deliver its ideas to the masses. The French communist party (PCF) and the general workers’ confederation (CGT) relied heavily on the Ciné-Liberté cooperative to produce and privately screen militant films that were banned from public moviehouses. For the first time ever, this filmography is now available on DVD.

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  • 2016/06/10

    Diffusion | Anniversary: Ciclic Celebrates 10 Great Years

    Issoudun and the France's Centre-Val de Loire region

    In 2016, Ciclic celebrates the 10th anniversary of its heritage division tasked with safeguarding and promoting the audiovisual archives of France’s Centre-Val de Loire region.

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  • 2016/05/27 - 2017/01/15
    2016/05/27 - 2017/01/15

    Exposition | Home Movies in Belgium and the Netherlands

    Ghent (Belgium) and Venlo (The Netherlands)

    Two exhibitions are devoted to amateur cinema in Belgium and the Netherlands in 2016.

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  • 2016/12/08 - 2016/12/10
    2016/12/08 - 2016/12/10

    Rencontres | Rendez vous in Beauvais

    Beauvais (France)

    The next annual meeting of the Association INEDITS will take place in Beauvais from the 8th to the 10th of December 2016. It will be organized by the association Archipop, which collects and highlights amateur films in five departments of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie region.

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  • 2016/04/20 - 2016/07/13
    2016/04/20 - 2016/07/13

    Exposition | Regard Camera : A cinema exhibition in Rouen

    Chapelle du Pôle Régional des Savoirs - Rouen (Normandie, France)

    From the 20th April to the 13th July 2016, the Pôle Image Haute-Normandie welcomes the public to discover ‘Regard Camera : a previously unseen vision of portrait in amateur cinema’. This cinema exhibition is being produced as a part of the Normandie Impressionniste Festival.

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  • 2016/06/20

    Publication | INEDITS : The new website launch

    In June 2016, the association INEDITS will be launching its new website. This is to improve the overall presentation of all its activities, its members and provide news about the preservation and the development of amateur cinema in Europe.

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  • 2016/05/10

    Publication | Amateur Cinema Studies

    Since 2010, a scholars’ network was founded to promote studies on amateur cinema. The website gives informations about projects, publications, screenings and events regarding the study or the preservation of amateur films, mainly in North-America and Europe.

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  • 2016/04/06 - 2016/04/10
    2016/04/06 - 2016/04/10

    Colloque | 10th edition of the Orphan Film Symposium

    Library of Congress, National Audio-Visual Conservation Center - Culpeper (Virginie, États-Unis)

    Since 1999, the Orphan Film Symposium has allowed academics, archivists, organizers and artists to recall and preserve the memory of forgotten artwork. In particular, focusing on amateur film. The 10th edition will take place in Culpeper,U.S.A from the 6th to the 10th of April 2016.

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  • 2015/09/24

    Publication | Lettres filmées d’Algérie

    In October 2015, the historian Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit published his work about amateur films shot by french soldiers during the Algerian War.

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  • 2015/11/11

    Diffusion | Il Treno va a Mosca au Luxembourg

    Cinéstarlight - Dudelange (Luxembourg)

    On the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (Luxembourg)’s initiative, the CinéStarlight in Dudelange is hosting an exceptional screening of the documentary ‘Il Treno va a Mosca’ directed by Frederico Ferrone and Michele Manzolini from 8mm films. It’s shot by Sauro Raviglia during the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow in 1957.

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  • 2015/10/29 - 2015/10/31
    2015/10/29 - 2015/10/31

    Rencontres | 25th Annual meeting

    Institut Jean Vigo - Perpignan (France)

    The next meeting of INEDITS will take place from Thursday 29th to Saturday 31st of October, in Perpignan, in the Institute Jean Vigo, The euro-regional film library member of INEDITS. The main theme of this meeting will be “the valorisation of collections, hosting and working with the artists”.

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