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  • France

    Mémoire - amateur archival images in Centre-Loire Valley (France)

    Since 2010, Ciclic provides access to its collections online. More than 10 000 amateur films, mainly shooted in Centre-Loire Valley or in France, are available for consultation.

    Ciclic is a French regional agency for litterature, moving images and digital culture, based in Centre-Loire Valley Region. Since 2006, this organisation collects and preserves amateur films made in this part of France.

    In the tab « Découvrir », numerous articles provide a better understanding of films and filmmakers, for example in the section « Figures de mémoire ». Films can be searched by subject, by location, by decade or by full-text. There is also an advanced search. To help users, Ciclic made video tutorials that you can find through « modes d’emploi ».

    By registering on the website, it is also possible to access several participative functionalities : write comments, solve mysteries by identifying places or people, create lists or personal albums.

    The website is free, but only in french. A registration is needed to access a part of it (participative functionalities).

    Language : French
    Online since : 2010
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom

    East Anglian Film Archive

    View over 200 hours of film for free from the East Anglian Film Archive. Explore the collection online by browsing, searching, or through the themed highlights …

    The East Anglian Film Archive, the first Regional Film Archive in England, was established in 1976 as an educational resource for the future by its visionary first Director, David Cleveland, who ran it until his retirement in 2004. Since 1984 the Archive has been owned and operated by the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UEA), as a not for profit research and public access resource. The collection comprises about 12 000 hours of film and up to 30 000 hours of videotape. The content mainly relates to the East of England region (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk). It also includes collections of national and international scope.

    200 hours of film is available online. Films can be searched by places, dates, genres, people and subjects.

    The website if free, with no registration required.

    Language : English
    Online since : 2011
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  • France

    Cinémathèque de Bretagne

    The Cinémathèque de Bretagne provides access to a large collection of amateur films on its website.

    Each month, the cinémathèque highlights the “video of the month”. The database is open. You have access to more than 3 000 descriptive entries and 2 000 amateur and professional films.

    Films can be searched by full-text queries or by key word. It is also possible to combine a lot of others fields.

    The website is free, but a registration is needed.

    Language : French
    Online since : 2005
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  • France

    Since 2004, the association Ciné-Archive collects amateur films made by French activists and communist sympathizers. It provides access to one hundred amateur films online.

    These films reflect the life and commitments of communist activists, but also more broadly leftist sympathizers who filmed the world of work, social struggles, militant activity, political and historical events…

    Thanks to a special section, the association has chosen to highlight its amateur films collection.

    These documents are just a small part of the collections. Ciné-Archives is in charge of audiovisual archives of the French Communist Party and the labor movement. In total, more than 700 films are available online.

    Language : French
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom

    Britain on film

    Since 2015, the British Film Institute (BFI) launched « Britain on film » in collaboration with 15 national and regional archives in United Kingdom to provide free access to thousands of films, mainly through a map. pour permettre au grand public de découvrir des films amateurs tournés en Grande-Bretagne à travers une recherche cartographique.

    Films can be searched on a map, then by period and subject. Each document is introduced by a short text to give details about its origins. The BFI announces thousands of films available.

    This project is a collaboration between national and regional archives in Great Britain : the British Film Institute, the Imperial War Museum, the East Anglian Film Archive and many regional archives (see the list here). Several regional archives provides also their own platform.

    Britain on film is free and need no registration.

    Language : English
    Online since : 2015
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  • France
    France - they filmed the region of Upper Normandy...

    The Pôle Image Haute-Normandie offers to discover more than 2 000 amateur films online, which have been collected since 1986.

    The navigation is very clear. Films can be searched by decades, by themes, by location on a map or by full-text across all of the field. If you have a look on the French version, the website provides access to the whole database (“base documentaire”). Finally, you are also invited to read different short portraits of amateur filmmakers.

    The website if free, with no registration required.

    The website is available in French and in English.

    Language : French and English
    Online since : 2012
    Editor : Pôle Image Haute-Normandie / Norwich Heritage Economic and Regeneration Trust (HEART)
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  • France

    Archivalp - audiovisual heritage of the Alps

    Since 2011, the Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l’Ain (France) and the Médiathèque Valais-Martigny (Switzerland) are associated in order to provide access online to many amateur films from their collections.

    The website Archivalp is only available in French.

    Language : French
    Online since : 2010
    Editor : Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l'Ain – Médiathèque Valais-Martigny / European project INTERREG IV France Switzerland 2009-2013
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  • Netherlands

    Amateurfilm Platform

    The Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision provides access on line to more than 4 500 amateur films on “Amateur Film Platform”.

    Since february 2013, this platform provides access to films and videos from the collection of the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision, and from several dutch collections, for example the city and regional archives of Rotterdam and Groningen. Films and videos can be searched by location, film gauge, period, subject, archive, and also by the name of each filmmaker.

    Language : Dutch
    Online since : 2013
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